Community Park East
1866 Wagner Street, Strasburg, CO 80136
Sealed bid proposals will be received by the Strasburg Metropolitan Parks and Recreation District for the construction of the Strasburg Community Park Expansion at the District office located at 1932 Burton Street, Strasburg, CO 80136; and publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m. on January 10th at the same location.
The work generally consists of construction and installation of civil elements, utilities, concrete flatwork, asphalt, a spray ground, a new restroom, building with concessions with storage, a stage and pavilion, structural concrete, curb walls, natural play features, post tension basketball court, shade shelter, electrical, site drainage, landscape and irrigation.
While not required, experience working on projects within Adams County is preferred.
Contract Documents, complete with plans and specifications, may be obtained through the Districts website as listed on BidNet by December 2, 2024. District website:
A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be conducted on December 11, 2024 (December 13th if inclement weather) starting at 1:30 p.m., at the District office. A tour of the site will follow the meeting.
A ten percent bid bond or certified check payable to Strasburg Metropolitan Parks and Recreation District shall be submitted with the bid. The bidder to whom a contract is awarded will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and Payment bond to the District. Both bonds shall be furnished in the amount of 100 percent of the contract, in conformity with the requirements of the Contract Documents.
The District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or to accept that proposal or combination of proposals, if any, which in its sole and absolute judgment, will under all circumstances best serve the District’s interest. No proposal will be accepted from any firm, person, or corporation, who is a defaulter as to surety or otherwise, or is deemed incompetent, irresponsible, or unreliable by the District Board of Directors.
No bids will be considered which are after the time mentioned, and any bids so received after scheduled closing time shall be returned to the bidder unopened.
For technical information contact: Will Woodard – Design Concepts, Project Manager
By: Angie Graf Strasburg Metropolitan Parks and Recreation District Manager
Please find the Community Park East SITE PLANS here:
Included in the ‘Bid Set FINAL Submittal’ folder is:
- Plans
- Combined specifications
- Geotech report
- Splash pad instructions
- A schedule of values excel document
The BUILDING specifications and schedule of values excel document (Bid Form) can be found here:
Bidding Schedule:
- Mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for 12/11 or 12/13 (depending on weather) at 1:30pm.
- Last day for contractor questions is Jan. 3rd EOD
- Addendum will be distributed no later than Jan. 8th EOD
- Bids are due by Jan. 10th at 2pm