- Senior Excursions – Advanced reservations required due to limited seating. Call (303) 622-4260 to RSVP for the trip or for more details. Bus will pick-up and drop-off from Strasburg Rec Center. AGES: Adults only – no age restrictions! *Minimum of 10 passengers or trip will be canceled*
- Valentines for Veterans – Our military heroes often find themselves alone or feeling homesick during holidays. The Soldiers’ Angels mission is to make sure no one who serves this country feels unloved, especially on Valentine’s Day. If you know a Veteran or current Soldier that would like to receive a Valentine – please email their mailing address to:
- Senior Bingo – Join us for an afternoon of fun & excitement with a chance to win at BINGO! Get your dobbers ready, we will have snacks, prizes, & fun!
- Princess Party – The Ocean is calling… join us for a tropical celebration with Moana. You will enjoy light refreshments, make a special keepsake craft, and have Individual and group photo opportunities. Wear your favorite princess costume.
- Egg-Stravaganza – The annual Easter EGG Hunt will not disappoint! There are separate age groups, fun Easter crafts, sack races, and a bounce house. Don’t forget to look for the golden egg to win the grand prize! There will also be a special visit from the Easter Bunny.
- Senior Stroll and Fitness Day – Strasburg Parks & Rec and the Bennett Rec Center are partnering to provide this free event that features a one-mile fun walk, delicious refreshments, socializing with friends, prize giveaways, and information with an emphasis on senior health and wellness.
- Day at the Rockie Fundraiser – Join us for the Union Pacific League and Eastern Plains Pink Sox Day at the Colorado Rockies. Ballplayers wearing their softball or baseball uniforms can participate in the pre-game parade around the warning track at Coors Field. Everyone is welcome to attend the game. This is a fundraiser for the district and league, we appreciate your support!
- Salute to Our Veterans Spaghetti Dinner – Please join us in fellowship and a FREE meal to honor ALL the great men and women who have given themselves in service to this nation. ALL you can eat dinner will include salad, spaghetti, and garlic bread.
- Stocking Stuffer Online Auction – Get a head start on your Christmas shopping and support a great cause at the same time. The Stocking Stuffer Online Auction allows you to bid on your favorite gift cards, merchandise, and event certificates. All proceeds benefit the Friends of Strasburg Rec.
- Decorate-A-Wreath Contest – Pick up a wreath from the Rec center, take it home and decorate it, then return your decorated wreath. Community members can vote for their favorite wreath during the ‘Christmas in the Park’ event. There is no fee to participate and we will award the “Best Business” and “Best Individual” following the event.
- Letters to Santa – Send your letter to Santa from Strasburg! All letters will be forwarded to the North Pole, (no postage necessary). Santa has promised to respond with a personalized letter. All letters need your child’s first and last name along with a RETURN ADDRESS (please print clearly). Mailboxes will be available after Thanksgiving. Look for the RED mailboxes at Strasburg Rec Center, 1932 Burton Street; Strasburg Post Office, 56691 E. Colfax Ave.; and Western Hardware, 56640 E. Colfax Ave.
- Christmas in the Park – Join us in kicking off the “most wonderful time of the year” at Lyons Park. This free fun-filled event includes pictures with SANTA and his REINDEER (with your own camera), local entertainment, roasted marshmallows, self-guided walk through the illuminated park, wreath contest, and the lighting of the community Christmas tree.